Why I Speak January
The worldwide gym franchise Equinox posted a press release to start the year that they were not accepting any new signups on January 1st. This “bold move” to not accept signups on the first Sunday of the year was backed up by a claim to be a gym for dedicated people only. If you’re someone who will sign up, only to quit a month or two later, need not apply.
I get it Equinox. I’ve been a gym owner for over 10 years, and trying to pull people in with positive sentiment like “you can do it,” gets worn out. It also gets frustrating to see people begin in your gym absolutely on fire, then flame out faster than a barbell drops. As a fellow business owner, I totally understand how you wouldn’t want to waste your time with someone who will only be with you for a month or two.
To make this point, Equinox chose the catchphrase, “We don’t speak January.”
There are already enough people on the internet taking jabs at this January post, and criticizing it for how exclusive it sounds. I’m not trying to make another statement about why I think this post is wrong, but rather why I think “speaking January” is right.
I think EVERYBODY spoke January at one point in their life, in one part of their life.
Before you were dedicated to your fitness, you were dabbling in it.
Before you were a professional at your job, you were an amateur.
Before you were committed for a year, you were committed for a week.
Before you ran, you walked. And before you walked, you crawled. And before that, people held you.
We’ve all spoken January before. And to say you don’t speak January anymore because you’ve made it to the side of the dedicated is ignorant. Humble yourself, and remember where you came from.
One of the biggest mistakes coaches make is becoming unrelatable to their clients. They think they have to be these visual pillars of exemplary health and they get so obsessed with where they are, they forget where their client is.
Another big fault of the fitness industry is not recognizing seasons. Coaches push their clients year-round without any talk of off-seasons, deload periods, or recovery sessions. When the results slow down as clients get better, amateur coaches think they need to push harder, rather than advise a time of rest and recovery.
I speak January, because I speak seasons.
I start every January on fire! I’m ready to take on a new year and grow personally and professionally. I’m ready to set new goals that excite and drive me! This comes after the holiday season of relaxing and pulling back on the pressure I typically put on myself during other parts of the year.
God made seasons for a reason. He didn’t just make them in your environment, he made them in you.
Don’t temper your January 1st excitement because you feel like it has failed you in the past. It’s ok to start and stop, and start all over again. It’s ok to sign up for a gym for 1 month this year, because we’re going to make it 3 months next year, and then 6 months the year after that. We’re going to improve every time that we try. Never stop trying, and you’ll never stop improving.
Allow yourself to have seasons, ups and downs, starts and stops. As long as you learn from your January, you’ll start to speak February, and before you know it, you’ll be speaking September. Give yourself grace and don’t be too proud to contact a coach for help, or rejoin the gym you use to go to. I love seeing clients rejoin our gym after time away, and I’m happy for clients who feel the need to move on when a new season comes. I’m thankful for the seasons I’ve had with them, and without them, and hope they feel the same.
Use January as a jump-off to the upgraded version of YOU. Jump so high that even when you come down, you’re way above where you’ve ever been. Use this season to grow. How will you grow this year?
I wish you a 2023 that is the greatest year of your life. May you have an amazing January, and beyond!
-Coach Tony